We will soon link all of the maps to a permanent position in the left hand column here. They will be easy to find in case you forget the above address. Below is Alan's note rec'd yesterday afternoon:
"I just visited the new Bicycle Idaho Falls Blog site and thought this might be a good location for a series of bike ride maps. For many years, Barbara Brown has been organizing bike rides every Tuesday throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall for mostly retired folks. There is no organization, she just sends out an email as to where the meeting location is and a map or description or the planned route. We have anywhere from a handful to 30 riders show up depending on the route and weather."

"This year I started making maps of all the standard routes and putting in optional extensions. These maps might be useful to local bikers if they were posted on your new site. Currently we have 18 routes with more to go. I have attached a few so you can see what they are like. If you want to post the maps, let me know and I will sent you the others. The BBB stands for 'Barbara Brown Bike'."
THANK YOU, ALAN! We really appreciate your contribution of these awesome maps! For those of you who don't know Alan C., he is a virtuoso map maker whose volunteer contributions have benefited many different organizations. Many of you will recognize his work in the Greenbelt and Kelly Canyon maps. We are very grateful to be able to post the BBB Ride Maps here.